Address us

Soheil store
Soheil Shopping center - North Allameh Tabatabaee - Saadat Abaad - Tehran - Iran
Working hours
Saturday to Thursday : 10:00 to 21:00, Fridays are closed

Ekhtiarieh store
Ekhtiyarieh -Pasdaran St - Tehran - Iran
Working hours
Every day : 10:00 to 21:00

Office Market
- Second Floor - Saray e Bahar - Farashbashi Alley - Pachenar Bazzar - Khayam Ave. - Grand Bazzar - Tehran - Iran
In this branch we do not have domestic sales

Email: info[at]iran-carpet[dot]com
Store phone: (+98) 21-22073336 - 8 (+98) 21-22554560
Office Market phone: (+98) 21-55155221 - 3

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